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Performance Strength Training

Perfomance Strength

"Weak Things Break"  ~Louis Simmons

You are only as strong as the resistance you oppose. This is why strength training is so important to the development of speed, power, and endurance. Strength is the foundation in sports that enables you to unlock physical potential, maximize ability, reduce risk of injury, and develop your total athlete - champions are built in the weight room!


The Flyers have partnered with the knowledgeable coaches at Ultimate Athlete Training Group to bring you a powerhouse Performance Strength program designed with nothing but athletic improvement in mind! Our training methods are based on science to both increase your athletic performance and decrease risk of injury from weak or overused muscles.


Average squat gains are 10lbs a week and 5+ lbs a week bench...done safely and effectively. These incredible gains allow your body to recruit more muscle during sport transforming you into a highly effective athlete. We do performance strength, not power competition lifting, and athletes in our strength program can't say enough about the benefits our training style delivers. Individuals in our program have gone from average play on the field to prominent college recruits, mid-level times on the track to top in the state and nation, vertical jump increases from under 24" to 50"+, and more! Their words coming soon!

Performance strength is a defined style of training to maximize power, speed, endurance, and enhance athletic performance. Athletes will see rapid improvement with our program through:

  • Noticeable strength gains within 2-3 weeks

  • Increased speed

  • Longer and higher jumps

  • Improved endurance & stamina

  • More explosive power

  • Better coordination

  • Quicker reaction times

  • Stronger muscle and joint resilience

  • Increased bone density

  • Little to no injury during sport

Website updates underway...
New images coming soon!

We deliver this using scientifically proven methods and modalities within our specialized training plans. Correct form and mechanics are emphasized to promote safety and proper development. Our qualified instructors and UA's Director of Performance Strength oversee all training plans and participants. The high-quality instruction offered by MNF and Ultimate Athlete is a great way to maximize your total athlete and enhance the competitive edge in all sports and activities!

NEW FORMAT! Our Performance Strength Program is now offered in person as well as digital/virtual for you to do independently in your own gym on your own schedule!

(after an initial in-person consultation and learning phase)

Eligibility: Athletes must be a minimum of 14 years old, no prior experience necessary


How it works:

  1. Register for either our 2 day/week or 4 day/week plan choice

  2. Once registration is received in full, a staff member will contact you to arrange your in-person introductory phase at the Royals Athletic Center weight room (number of sessions is dependent on individual athlete needs)

  3. Once cleared to lift independently, you set your own schedule at your own gym or school weight room! OR you can continue to meet Monday and Thursday evenings with our instructors at Royals Athletic Center!


What's included:

  • A full year of training plans designed solely to benefit and enhance athletic performance

  • Recording logs

  • Lifting belt (required safety item)

  • Acceleration band set (a must have item that does not come standard in many gyms)

  • Virtual check-ins and in-person refreshers as needed OR twice weekly (Monday/Thursday) in-person sessions if preferred


What's optional:

  • 1 year membership to the Royals Athletic Center athletic facilities and weight room

  • Other items and modalities used in our training methods that you may wish to have on hand if your gym does not supply them​

  • The ability to arrange ongoing in-person training sessions with UA/MNF staff on an as needed/individual basis


2-day vs. 4-day:

  • The 2-day/week plans targets the muscles needed to move with power, explosiveness, and stamina. Athletes will find they run faster, last longer, jump higher, and react more dynamically in all sports
  • The 4-day/week plan focuses on explosive total body development using the same techniques as the 2-day plan while separating upper and lower days to create time for additional lifts
  • Both options are highly successful and there is no loss of quality between them. However, athletes in sports such as football, baseball, softball, throwers in track and field, etc, may find more benefit from the 4 day plan.


Interested? More specific details can be read here:

Our strength training program goes beyond standard strength and conditioning to address the needs of an athlete and athletic performance.  This high quality style of training delivers immense gains when done correctly so training is progressive and most beneficial if there is consistency. Therefore the weekly commitment must average 2 days per week with reasonable breaks throughout the year for holidays, competition phases, etc.


To help make this happen, our new format allows you to choose to train independently at your own gym on your own schedule, or in person with our instructors. If choosing to lift independently, a learning period is needed first to teach the techniques and mechanics so all athletes must schedule an initial in person consultation/training phase with our strength staff.


To lift independently, you must

  1. demonstrate the maturity and attention to instructions required to lift independently to prevent injuries and accidents in the weight room

  2. have a spotter available on heavy lifts

  3. have appropriate equipment access and use

  4. complete accurate log entries

  5. make every effort to meet the minimum required days


Adjustments are made for in-season training and tapering during competition phases.


Ready to take your performance to a new level? Register below!


Program Fees:


2-Day/Week Plan for 1 year - $200

4-Day/Week Plan for 1 year - $250

Optional equipment items are available to add in the registration process

Strength training with resistance should continue both in season and during the off season!

Specific adjustments are necessary, but your muscles need you to keep training. Your body recruits and activates muscle according to demand which is the reason you get stronger in strength training. Repeated resistance demands that more muscle is recruited to reverse the weight. Because they're trained to be recruited, your body will automatically activate this additional muscle when in action. Your muscles will stay tuned to this recruit and activation frequency for a few days and begin to revert back to the demands of current resistance (ex: the ground forces of running, hitting, jumping...) if not re-activated through greater resistance. This is why bodyweight or circuit style training while in-season is for the most part ineffective, and also why it's important to continue resistance training in season. If you are participating in a seasonal sport or another strength/fitness program at the same time as our program, please inform our coaches so we can make any necessary adjustments.

Why in season


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