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See You at the Track!!!
Good health and education are lifelong habits we take seriously. Please help us continue our journey to support the nutritional needs, education, fitness, and wellness of our youth because...
Together We Fly!
“It takes a village to raise a child,” an adage we take to heart.
The Flyers are home to families from a large socio, cultural, and economic demographic who struggle to support their basic needs and ability to achieve in school and sport. We offer needed assistance for nutrition, clothing, and education through the funds built by donations. Your contribution allows youth the chance to grow, develop, educate, and create a future. Because of your help, 100% of our student-athletes graduate high school and 98% go to college within their first year of graduation - many as first-generation college students, and most in track and field/cross-country contributing to life-long healthy lifestyles and positive citizenship.
Our village appreciates your generosity!!